Saturday, April 02, 2005

Love Declaration

The hottest gossip currently circulating in NUS. To summarise for those who didn’t know that happened (as lifted from Mr Brown site)

Guy likes ger.
Guy gets sporting lecturer to let him profess his love for her.
Whole thing gets webcasted.
Ger becomes famous (but less than enthused
about the attention and the psychos taking her picture and even though of channging her blog address).
Guy probably hiding in some hole right now.

Decided not to post her blog address or her mirror sites up. Not sure how is that going to help, but I do feel sorry for her. She just receive the flowers that is all what. (She didn’t even want to shake the guy hand if you happen to observe the video) The whole fallout is crazy, intrusive almost perverse. But it will blow with time I guess.

People only want to know all the stick about the ger while the guy is largely being left alone. Wonders why the gender bias shown by society. This reminds me of the parallels between a certain Chu Mei Fong VCD scandal about 4 years ago and to the incident here. Any sociology major student care to explain? Ha.

Before I end, my friend commented that if the guy is really so head over hells in love with the ger, he can put more effort into the slide. The stick figure looks "primary schoolish standard".

Last but not least, Engine Fac very happening wan ok! Haha.


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