Saturday, March 05, 2005

A peep into a day of Zen's work

So I have never blog much about my current life right?
Decides to disclose my life of glamour to be publicly scrutinized

Let you guys know what my IA life is about.......


Rush to the office before anyone discovers that I am 5 mins late.
Signs my attendance sheet


Quickly slide to the seat at my table unseen.

Heaves a sigh of relief as my ninja-like movement managed to deceive everyone.


I switch on my computer and check email. (part of the acting busy rituals)

My workplace of buzz....


Aroma of Nescafe Coffee fills my desk (my company very cheapskate only got Nescafe .....)

My Morning Kopi!


Supervisior informs me that I will be following him to take water samples at the various libraries all over Singapore. (glad at the chance to leaves my office cell)


We are off! Takes MRT to a Library.


Does necessary admin and head off to the cooling tower located at top of the building

Pic of cooling tower (yah I know you cant be bothered)

Move over Agent Mulder, Agent Zen is here is kick ass! (notice how sianz Agent Zen looks)

Getting my hand dirty (literally)...... help er xin


Finally finishes the dirty job after risking my life getting infected from unknown bacteria and virus.
Damn Happy only to be informed by supervisior that there are another 6 more libraries to go.


Break for lunch at coffeeshop.
Appetite is greatly enhanced after working hard for half a day.

Errr somehow this just reminds me of a medium done beef steak.....

Ok maybe not such a good appetite...... after all....


Wills my unwilling body to go to Jurong Library.


Bum is numb (it rhymes!) after all the travelling.
Proceeds to take water sample from water fountain.

Who knows what hideous creatures lurk within the murky waters.......

230 - 500pm:

Same course of action is repeated again and again and again and again.......
Just using all my will power to move the clock hand to six


Send in all water samples to lab. (FINALLY)
Supervisior allows me to leave half an hour early from work!
YEAH! Off to enjoy myself!

*I think it is the first time my pics (albeit behind a mask) was found online.
See no more secrecy. No more fantasies either! Ha ha. *


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