Thursday, January 20, 2005

New Year Resolutions

Some people never believed in this. This group of people thinks it is all crap. I on the other hand, do try and make New Year Resolutions because unlike the group mentioned, I try to make my New Year Resolutions work. It sort of gives me a focus on some of the things I will like to achieve for the current year.

I don’t like long term goals usually so the period of one year is the longest period for me to base my resolutions on. Before I think about this year resolution, maybe let me review the resolutions that I made last year.

2004 was quite clearly one of the worst years as far as I can remember. Think one of the resolutions I made was to reduce the frequency that I am late whenever I am going to school or meeting my friends. As my friends can testify, this resolution was errr just empty talk. (lalalalalala I tried for a while eg like 7 days before I realize old habits die hard =p )
Other resolutions include doing well for exam (unfulfilled), getting a gold for IPPT(I failed ): ) and I cant bear to go on any longer….. Sob Sob…….

On a brighter note, there were bright spots among an otherwise gloomy year which is best forgotten. I pluck up the courage to try new stuff. Think it been some since I tried anything new. Activities such as learning Korean, Tennis, taking Arts module alone are some of the more significant things that I have tried. Other not-so-worthy-of-mention activities (but I will still mention anyway) are self cooking at home, dyeing my hair, giving tuition and starting this blog.

But with a New Year, it represents a fresh start and a clean slate to begin anew! = ) So some of the resolutions for the New Year includes……

1. Learning HTML

With my starting of a new blog, I thought it would be useful to learn html. It has been my desire to learn this for quite some time and I will utilize my time during Attachment to pick up some skills and to engage in activities which I have always wanted to do but unable to find the time to.

Update: I suddenly remember that I and my friends had this BC website that has been largely ignored for a couple of years. Think the new HTML skill that i pick up here will be applicable in that website to refurnish it to its glory state of yester-years.

2. Trying to keep this blog active.

I realize my writing skills have deteriorated some what over the years. Not to say that I was a good writer before, as least, I thought I wasn’t this poor. Time to dust off those rust from my brain and try to write intelligently, interestingly with a touch of humor and making use of satirical jokes even to get my points across.

3. Having a successful IA

I know this sound vague and I have purposely worded it so. I am keen to pick up some relevant skills from my XXX company and to understand more about the industry.

4. Knowing more about the major roads/expressway/buildings in Singapore

I have always been someone with a very poor Sense Of Direction (SOD). My SOD is so poor till I might have difficultly remembering the path that I have taken say 15 minutes before. Some males claim that they don’t have to encode the direction which they have taken to mind, and it is a “mere instinct” in which they know which path to take. Apparently, I was born a freak and didn’t inherit this set of useful genes from my parents.

Oh one interesting thing about me. I almost never ask for direction. 99.9% of the time. Just a personal thing.

5. To rectify some of my personal shortcomings

I did not manage to overcome my problem of not being punctual although I did state it as one of my major resolution for last year. This year, I have done likewise and made it a major resolution so hopefully wont just pay lip service to it. I do understand the frustrations of my friends when they have to wait for me so I am trying hard to think in their shoes and so errr urging myself to leave the house earlier.

6. Pass my IPPT

I think it was a personal blemish on my record that I failed my IPPT. Maybe I was a little overconfident of accomplishing this “small” task considering that I was an athlete in my younger days. Apparently, what little fitness that I had over the years had deserted me without leaving me a note. I strive to reverse this personal blemish/humiliation by engaging in a healthier lifestyle of sports and diet. Silver will be my target for my IPPT in 2005. The $200 dollars will come in useful!

Can only think of six goals in the meantime. Will continue to add to them when something comes to mind anytime during the year. How about you? Any personal wishes for the year? May all your wishes come true!


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