Monday, June 19, 2006

The elusive search continues......

So it was a good one month before I logged in another entry into this blog. Pardon for the long absence and the almost-non- existent updates. I have been busy with slacking so you must forgive me! Wahahaha.

Not sure if the other people who are already employed will get what I am going to say, but I think everyone goes through a period like this in their lives especially just before they graduate or when they have just graduated. They ask themselves the holy grail Q, "what is the meaning of live?" and "what do they really want out of life?". One being to classify what is essential and what is desirable but non-essential and what are just plain bargaining chips.

criterion would include
  1. High starting pay
  2. 5 days work week
  3. Short traveling distance
  4. Non-office attire
  5. male/female working env (depends on your sexual orientation, wahahahaha)
  6. Room for growth
  7. Your ideal career/childhood ambition
  8. Flexi hours/work from home
  9. Does not require overseas travel
  10. No OT
  11. Respectable job title
So person A might be a mega slacker like me will deem 2 and 3 to be essential, 4 and 10 to be non-essential but desirable, and 1 and 6 to be bargaining chips (willing to sacrifice certain things in order to get the essentials). So what kinda profile are you?

Anyway, to answer a burning Q in many of us.... why do some of the graduating students find it so difficult to motivate themselves to find a job?

Answer: There is no longer a marker where we can be judged upon.

In our very pressuring education system, there have always been markers to gauge your progress and success. Even when you were a 10 year old kid, you were classified as "special" "express" or "normal" where everyone knows being normal is the furthest thing from everyone's mind.

And so the markers continue throughout one's young lives. 10As for 'O' levels, entry to a JC and possibly a top 5 JC, 6As for 'A' levels and 2 S paper distinctions, entry into a 'good' university to pursue a 'good' course, aiming for first class honours, making it into the dean list...... And the list goes on.

And very suddenly the markers are removed from one lives. It is being replaced with "entry into a MNC company", "high starting pay", "high sounding titles"....vague markers which no longer means very much to me.

The absence of the marker in my life has lead to a void, while I continue to mull over what I want in life without coming to an answer that I am satisfied with. Some people have hopped on to a job wagon, either already sure of what they want in life, or contented to let the answer reveal themselves over the years, or simply dont care.

It is probably time to pull myself together and set a marker for myself before I psychologically starved myself of happiness. What say you?


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