Wednesday, January 25, 2006

A folk tale

I suddenly remember this chinese short story that was told by one of my chinese teacher during class.

Xi Shi was known far and wide for her beauty and many men from all over the country flock over to where she resides so they can catch her physical beauty for themselves. This man who came from a faraway land, eagerly pick a spot where he learnt that Xi Shi will be appearing in the day.

However, Xi Shi was in a bad mood that day. (Aka PMS i think. hahaa)
And she was frowning.

The men who have came all the way to catch a sight of this beauty was still not to be disappointed. The man exclaim loudly, "Even a frowning face is so beautiful."

Then there was this (single) lady who overheard the remark and wanted to emulate Xi Shi as the next beauty in town. And so Miss Simpleton went home... and start frowning, all day long.

Ok. I admit. I forgot how the story ended, or what the proverb this story taught. Someone care to fill me in?

Anyway the morale of the story is.......
up to you.~~~~~

PS: for those who think this is a really bo liao post, it probably appears to be. Hahahaha.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, your story not very accurate leh. Xi Shi and Dong Shi (or Miss Simpleton) were neighbours. Once Xi Shi was frowning, and the men exclaimed "Wow she looks so pretty when she frowns!!" and when Dong Shi tried to emulate her, she scared the whole town to death.

Moral of the story? Learn your 成语s.



12:35 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

how're u?
happy cny...tho hols over...
haha wad made u come up with that post huh


2:41 pm  

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