Wednesday, November 23, 2005

My Resolutions to date!

Yo, guess my hiatus from my blog was brough forward with a few other posts a week earlier. My exams are offically over. (note the use of the word over and not completed) It is time to start making plans for my "holidays". (inverted colon cause I still have my final year project during this while)

Haa maybe I should start off with a dissection of the Resolutions that I am suppose to accomplish this year and try to finish those that I havent achieved.

1. I dare say my newly picked up HTML skills though not competant, are passable.

2. Keeping my blog active. My blog readers have shrivelled somehow, but that is to be expected considering I am not a very entertaining blogger. (hahaha)

3. Having a good IA. My IA is alright, I guess... didnt expected much towards the end.

4. Developing a good Sense of Directon. SOD is still very poor.... but its getting better.

5. I am still quite late from occasion to occasion. I am still very impatient... and I procastinate alot.... and I an still very passive over alot of things. Time to change change change......

6. I fail my IPPT AGAIN! Period.

I got a hell lots of plans for this holidays. Time to fill you in another time!

Monday, November 21, 2005

Fifth Season of Love

I guess this is another of my weird exam behaviour. I was reading my old entries and I remember this entry as one of my favourite. Since Xmas is approaching, and memories fade more and more each year, I just thought it was appropriate to share this entry with a bigger group of friends. (Damn I realise I didnt accomplish my resolutions for this year too!)

Sunday, December 19, 2004

In a complete contrast to my previous entry, this month being the month of Xmas, I will try to be a little more jovial and add a tinge of colour and life to my entry.

The festival of love and giving is approaching fast. Time to do Xmas cards! I haven’t done that for a long time, and sending out Xmas cards have always been hap-hazard and very last minute events.

There are a couple of people in my Xmas cards list this year mainly friends who I have been too busy to catch up with. Hoping to write a personal note to each and everyone of them.

There are four seasons in a year. But I like to think there are five seasons in total. The last season being the last week of the year and the first few days of the New Year. Why you might ask? Well, firstly there is Xmas within this “fifth” season. Xmas carols and sights of artificial red snowman, colorful lights and glittering crystals on display downtown. The mood of love does get into you and you feel that the end of year is coming and you can’t help but have a warm fuzzy feeling to it.

Secondly, there is also New Year within this fifth season. Well, I don’t celebrate the New Year since the Chinese custom is to celebrate the Chinese New year which falls in the middle of the month, but nevertheless the public holiday is a welcome sight. Having two public holidays allow you some precious time for you to spend with your love ones and friends who are working.

Lastly, A birthday falls within this “fifth” season. When this fifth season approaches, I have always wondered how she is doing and laments how it could have been. I never ask her out again after such a long lapse and I don’t know how to bring up the issue again.

And with the coming of a New Year, I will make some New Year resolution as usual. This year was particularly disappointing because I didn’t manage to do most of the resolutions that I have, a blemish on my otherwise proud record of achieving most of my New Near resolutions previously. I will see how things materialize when the times comes.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

I am weird.

I am pretty sure I am getting weirder the longer I received my university education. In fact, I am positive that I am at my weirdest when examinations comes along. Exams always turn my biological clock upside down and I seem really fond of doing things that I wont usually be doing. I am presently sleeping at timing such as 3 to 4am and blogging at 230am.

More Weird thoughts.

That day while I was heading to school for some last minute mugging, while I was walking along the same walk way, climbing up the same flight of stairs, heading to the same LRT station, waiting for the same train to come. It suddenly strike me how alike my life was for the past 4 years. Then, I thought wouldnt it be cool if a machine can be invented which fast forwarded all the mundane events of the day and you end up at only the important parts. Then I stopped and pause and think really hard..... and I realise actually there isnt really much of a day to look forward to. Maybe the machine can fast forward my life ten or twenty years and I will be be a rich retired uncle (hopefully) who will be finally able to enjoy life!

More Weird thoughts part 2

I was having a dream and I heard myself saying "Mediocrity is a obscence word". Then I began to think long and hard and realise I have spoken the truth in my subconscious! Because I have been too content and too willing to be ordinary and average and mediocre, therefore the current state of dis-satisfaction!

Morale of the story on Weird Thoughts:

Problems solved themselves!

What I couldnt figure out, my brain will figure out on another day. So if you dun know the examination answers, fret not! You will discover it in your dreams a few days after that. (Question of whether it is too late anot is blatantly ignored by author)

This is not a weird entry.
This is not a weird entry.
This is not a weird entry. (fades to silence)

When things go full circle

Oct 15 Saturaday 2005

It is funny when things go full circle.

You were once someone really special.
You avoided me like H5N1.

I keep bumping into you recently.
At the bus stops.
At the MRT platform.

We chatted.
We laugh at each other jokes.
It reminded me of the past.

I "forgot" that you avoided me and make me felt low and silly.
You "forget" that I once freak the hell outta you.

We have now both forgotten certain things.
We forgot the friendship we once had.

I think it is a little joke which only I see the funny side of.

Something that could hold so much meaning to me 3 years ago holds absolutely no value what-so-ever today.
So many things are transient in life.
I learnt something new.
When you want something very badly and it doesnt happen, there is no meaning when you do get hold of it in another time frame.