Saturday, September 22, 2007

The land of the Rising Sun - preview ~

So you would have known that I spend 2 weeks in Japan by now!

And now for the anticipated pics!!!

The sunset from my window seat!~~

The flight to Tokyo took about 7 hours and I slept my way through the morning flight.

Reached Narita airpork and took a domestic flight to Chitose airpork, which is the airport serving Hokkaido!
I stayed at Hotel Nikko Chitose, as the first stop of the tour.

Being bored and restless after travelling for more than 10 hours, we took a stroll around the hotel. Weather was a cool 21 degrees.

And we chanced upon............

Japan Pasar Malem!!!!

There were some festival celebration going on in Chitose, a small city of only 90,000 people, which is really a rarity.

We went round savoring the gourmet delights of Japan by starting with ............ the Octopus balls! Much much larger and chewier then the ones served in Bugis Junction was the verdict.

Octopus Balls... yum yum yum

More gourmet delights!... oishii!!!


Only chanced upon some weird stalls.....

Japanese Beetles~~~~!!! EEEeeek

During Summer, Japanese beetles are a very common pest, and to battle this problem, (to fuel those human increasingly weird tastes) they are sold as pets, or as collection specimens I think.

Guess what is inside these cute wrappers?

Candy floss~~~~in your favourite cartoon character wrapping

It was around 10pm and decided to head back to hotel, but not before a refreshing drink of ice cooling water ...... from a water cooler?

You cant get any more natural than this.......

The water flows down from some spring and is completely n-a-t-u-r-a-l. Being so amazed, I cant resist taking a picture and causing a huge jam at the drinking queue. Hahahaa. Japanese people are just so polite. They rather inconvenient themselves than others.

All right folks. This concludes my Day 1 of sightseeing tour!


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