Thursday, June 07, 2007

Tagged: 10 Weird / Little known things about Me

Ok... I have been tagged by Beckyy to do this.....

I am allergic to sea-food .... or so I think. Haha.... the ambiguity came about because I was warded to hospital for 10 days during P3 for a bout of serious allergy reaction. The doctor never truly found out the reason, and it was concluded as possible "sea-food allergy". So I might not be allergic after all.

I learnt English only at 7. Cantonese was the first language I spoke.

I hate it when people touch my hair.

My childhood ambition was to be a scientist, and my goal was to invent something that can be found in every household.

I was a sickly child.

I got this obsession of keeping my hands clean, so I dont really eat chicken wings. Some friends thought I dont like chicken / fried food. Now you know.

I have this rather high pitch singing voice, that could disturb certain people... Hahahaha

I have a poor sense of direction (think getting lost), and is easily confused by complex routine that requires hands and legs to move together (think "dancing").

I suspect I am mildly dyslexia. I often mixed up my d and g together and can only recognize if it the spelling is right after I finish the word. Certain simple words often threw up a blank when I need to use them. Word Processor with speller check is a God-sent.

I am a really sentimental person, though I can give certain people this cold facade.

Ok! I tagged those who read my blog to write a similar entry, especially Da Ge and Da Sao!~~


Blogger siying said...

haha then i pretend i never read your blog!

2:00 am  
Blogger Rebecca said...

haha its interestg to read the 10 things :P

1:01 am  

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