Saturday, April 30, 2005

How many Petals to a Rose?

For the bored, you guys can try to solve the puzzle at How many petals are there in the rose?

It took me half an hour... what about you? :P

Hint: No abstract maths needed!

Friday, April 22, 2005

It cant get any worse - Really!

It seems that all the human beings with two hands and two eyes in my company are attached. Even the lizards that reside in the corner of the storeroom are in pairs.

Great, just great. What can be worse I was thinking to myself in the morning?
This - Reuters Blood Type B Man.

Ok to summarise the long story....... In Korea, (and slowly catching on in other countries) Blood type B guys are deem to be selfish and hot-headed, likely to be cads, mercurial, and make absolutely useless boyfriends.

Well, this wasnt the case last time. Blood type B used to be described as "independent spirits with strong personalities".

The tide has changed dramatically in the past years. A recent nationwide survey conducted vie internet in Korea thinks that Type B men were considered to be the most difficult type to date and about 40 percent of Korean women said they did not want to marry a Type B man!!!!!!!!!!!!


One can only hope Son Ye Jin is the other 60% mentioned. No prize for guessing which blood group I am in.......

This is all a campaign aimed to slur the good name of Blood Type B guys!

(Eh I am very cham liao leh. Can dont throw stone while I am in the well anot - aka 'luo jin xia shi' )

It is a myth. There is no scientific evidence to date that relates character to blood type. As least not yet....

Blood Group B guys lets stand up and lets ourselves be counted! (But who will be so stupid to admit they are Type B now? Haa)


Other Blood types guys are said to have the following characteristic:

Blood Type A:

Introverted perfectionists

Blood Type AB:

Unpredictable, distant lot

Blood Type O:

Outgoing, expressive and passionate


Wednesday, April 20, 2005

I embedded Audio Files into my blog!

Hey everyone, in an attempt to spice things up my blog a little, I have embedded audio files into my blog! ~~

Sounds cool right? Been reading up on html recently... and would like to seriously try to revamp my blogskin if possible. That would require a far greater deal of effort and lots more self help books, but I guess with time on my side, it is certainly worth a try.

For those who have a greater memory, I did say before at the start of the year that I wanted to pick up HTML. See I am those people who make good their New Year Resolutions!

Ok... till again.. and enjoy the mp3 by Valen Hsu - Bu Ai Wo, Fang Le Wo.

*One more thing, I notice not everyone is able to listen to the mp3 due to limited bandwidth. If you happen to drop by and reading this, drop me a comment whether you can or cannot listen to the mp3.*

Monday, April 18, 2005

Revenge of the Nerds

Was reading my friend's blog that day and decided to do a handwriting analysis at . After doing the test for 15 minutes, it generated a profile of me. (The profile has been edited to omit certain untruths and long sentences ha!)

******* The Analysis Starts Here *******

Zen has a healthy relationship in the past and is ready to leave the past behind and moving on to an exciting and enticing future.

Hur hur….. I thought this applies to everyone….. abit duh

In reference to Zen's mental abilities, he has a very investigating and creating mind. He He is curious about many things and gets involved in many projects ……he must slow down and look at all the angles. He has the best of two kinds of minds. One is the quick investigating mind. The other is the creative mind.

This website has just earn itself a loyal fan. A little bootlicking gets you very far. Yup, definitely works!

Zen will be candid and direct when expressing his opinion. He will tell them what he thinks if they ask for it, whether they like it or not. So, if they don't really want his opinion, don't ask for it!

Jackpot! Do ask me if you look better in yellow or red if you have already decided that you look better in yellow. I am not going to apologise if my answer is red.

Zen will demand respect and will expect others to treat him with honor and dignity. Zen believes in his ideas and will expect other people to also respect them. He has a lot of pride.

Right once again.

Zen uses judgment to make decisions. He is ruled by his head, not his heart. Some may see him as unemotional. He does have emotions but has no need to express them. He is withdrawn into himself and enjoys being alone. If someone gets him mad enough to tell him off, he will not be sorry about it later. He is very level-headed and will remain calm in an emergency situation. In a relationship, he will show his love by the things he does rather than by the things he says. Saying "I love you" is not a needed (daily I feel) routine because he feels his mate should already know.

I think I do indeed portray a front of non-emotion. Only people who are closer to me see my happier and crazier moments. People looking in from the outside only sees someone cold who doesnt (like to) smile. And yes I believe actions speak louder than words.
= )

Zen's true self-image is unreasonably low. Zen also has a fear that he might fail if he takes large risks. Therefore he resists setting his goals too high, risking failure. Zen is capable of accomplishing much more than he is presently achieving. Zen will stay in a bad situation much too long because he is afraid that if he makes a change, it might get worse. No matter how loud he speaks, look at his actions.

Yup, I am a cautious fellow as all my friends will agree. And friends who know me for a very long time knew I was very ugly as a kid. The 'class geek' I was told when I was absent for the primary school gathering and they were gossiping about me. (maybe now still very ugly but hopefully not…. Bleah!) In short… this analysis paragraphs rings alot of truths.

So what do you think my friends? Agree with the analysis? Care to leave a comment? Do try it yourself if you are free. Quite fun in my opinion. = )

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Love Declarations (Prologue - walking down memory lane)

"Hey that gossip about this guy who declare his love for the gal he likes. You heard about it?"
"No. What is it about?"
"Take alook at this link."

I click on the link in MSN and immediately Windows Media Screen pop up.

32% Buffering
100% Buffering

"there is this guy who likes this gal very very much........... and he is shy.... and... "

As the guy stood up, flowers in hand, the words of the lecturer faded out of my senses.......


As the crowd raise to its feet, joyous appaulse fills the air.
Cat whistles approving of his bravely as he ascends the steps of the stage with a bouquet of flowers.

The crowd roared.
The row in front of me stood up, cringing their necks for a better view whom the intended recipient of the flowers was.

He stopped in front of her.

The crowd grew silent for a moment before breaking into another loud round of applause.
The flowers was still in his hands as they shared an embrace.

The rhythmic clapping of hands grew uneven and eventually broke into a crescendo of whistles, claps and cat calls.

Amidst it all, I could hear nothing except the shattering of glass into shards, into a million pieces as she took the flowers from his hand with a grin.

The crowd cheered him on, edging him to take it further.
They lock hands and bowed to the audience.

I stood up and became part of the rowdy crowd momentarily, and left the sound of the loud cheers and bright stage lurking in my shadows.........


My mind jolted back to the screen in front of me.
The clip was finished.
I use the mouse and shifted the scroll bar back to to the point,
back to where he walked with the flowers in hand.........
wondering if someone among the lecture group walked down memory lane as well.

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Love Declaration

The hottest gossip currently circulating in NUS. To summarise for those who didn’t know that happened (as lifted from Mr Brown site)

Guy likes ger.
Guy gets sporting lecturer to let him profess his love for her.
Whole thing gets webcasted.
Ger becomes famous (but less than enthused
about the attention and the psychos taking her picture and even though of channging her blog address).
Guy probably hiding in some hole right now.

Decided not to post her blog address or her mirror sites up. Not sure how is that going to help, but I do feel sorry for her. She just receive the flowers that is all what. (She didn’t even want to shake the guy hand if you happen to observe the video) The whole fallout is crazy, intrusive almost perverse. But it will blow with time I guess.

People only want to know all the stick about the ger while the guy is largely being left alone. Wonders why the gender bias shown by society. This reminds me of the parallels between a certain Chu Mei Fong VCD scandal about 4 years ago and to the incident here. Any sociology major student care to explain? Ha.

Before I end, my friend commented that if the guy is really so head over hells in love with the ger, he can put more effort into the slide. The stick figure looks "primary schoolish standard".

Last but not least, Engine Fac very happening wan ok! Haha.