Saturday, December 24, 2005

Short Sweet Simple

Ha, I think someone just hit the nail on the head when they give such a short, sweet and simple solution to the age old problem that have been plaguing males for a century.

(as lifted from


Q: Do you know of any great ways to turn a woman who is a "friend" into a "lover"?

A: I get a ton of e-mail from guys who are looking for the answer to the magic question: "How do I get a woman I've convinced not to like me to give me a second chance?"

The answer is: Don't. Just move on.

It's not worth the time, effort and energy.

The best thing you can do is to stop calling her, start dating other women and, if you can, make sure she finds out that you've moved on.

Get on with your life. And, ironically, that will give you the best chances of her feeling attracted to you again.


Neat, very neat. And now let the grieving begins.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

More unpleasant truths

They say ignorance is bliss. Do you agree?

I spend 2 hours in the wee morning on wednesday night to read the NKF report that was finally released to the public. It was over 400 pages in length and I read about 150 pages and glancing though another 50 pages or so. The report was damning and disheartening. I think many Singporeans were appalled at the content despite being given warning that it makes grim reading.

More unpleasant truths.

1. Wasteful manner of using NKF funds. (which are public funds)

Include buying large amount of air tickets and not using them. Stating personal holiday overseas trips as work related. And the list goes on.

2. Pay and bonuses which were too generous.

Pay rise up to 4 times a year?!!!?!!?? Bonus that can be backdated for 9 months? Leave that can be backdated to NINE years???? Annual leave amounting to 31 days a year? (meaning your effective working calendar is less than 11 months) Bonuses amounting to 6 months of your pay?

Wow. They sure make MNC look bad in comparision.

3. Getting more while apearing to get less.

Very ingenious indeed Mr Durai. But I thought your explanation of how "it was unintended" was more ingenious.

So I have decided that my charity funds will be carefully controlled from now onwards. I will only donate to charities which I know are making full use of each and every dollar. It is unfortunate that the "NEW" NKF will have to bear the brute of this screening process. But with reserves expected to last more than 6 years there is no immediate concerns to the welfare of the NKF patients. While I appreciate the dedication of the new chairman to restore faith to the running of the NKF, I do think he might be trying too hard. Give the public some time to muse over certain issues. Let the dust settle. Then start sourcing for new donors once again. Changing to a new name might not be be a bad suggestion afterall. By urging people to donate straight after such an epsiode smacks of over optimisim.

I will be waiting with abated breathe for the trial involving TT Durai. I guess only a fair punishment will restore faith among Singaporeans. One man against a nation. It is going to be interesting.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Reap What you sow

Just want to grumble a few lines after I seen today news. The NKF postmortem report is finally out and it makes grim reading. In short, the headlines are

1. Only 10 cents of every donor dollar went into patient care.
2. TT Durai earns hell lots out of NKF. Lots of money were siphon out of NKF using loopholes.
3. Management at NKF were shambolic and were grossly out of line.

I have not recorded an entry prior to this because I felt anything written in anger wasnt going to reflect a true account of what really happen. But the complete truth is more disappointing then I thought it will be. No wonder ignorance is bliss.

Although the money earned by TT Durai is exorbitant, that itself wasnt the greatest point of contention. I do feel a CEO ought to earn an amount befitting of a CEO. Of course, how much is exorbitant is subjective I guess. (yes i do not agree that is peanuts) Of greater concern was that he was 'earning' (inclusive first class air tickets and car maintenance) money earnmarked for charity, and abusing his position of trust to award large money contract to his associates. Whether he did it as a sign of good will to his friends or he had a share in the business or whether he received any money out of the deal ... I guess will be the subject of a police investigation.

I want more truths, be it unplesant. Other answers that I want to know include

1. Pay of the former NKF board members.
2. Exactly how much was spend on the annual charity fund raising shows on channel 8 (or was it half yearly?)
3. Whether people were earning money off those charity fund rising shows.

Being a cynical person, this epsiode and the recent Singapore Association of the Blind furore has further make me skeptical of the running of the charity. It is true that I am not contributing much to these charities presently, but I have always harbour thoughts of having a few selected charity to donate to when I join the work force (not long from now) and I can say two names will be missing from my list till I am convince that my dollar is being stretch to the max.

I will be reading tomorrow Straits Times for the full report. Another issue that caught my attention was the speed that attention was defracted from themselves of their association with NKF immediately after the release of this report.

May appropriate actions taken against people who deem money for the sick and the under privilege as their own. Maybe even a jail sentence isnt enough. Those egg heads ought to cough out the money they cheated (yah i can think of no better word).

This entire epsiode has just make me more disappointed in mankind.
'He who holds the gold makes the rules.' Eh really true huh?