Monday, September 25, 2006

I love children! ~~~

I love children, and how sweet they always appear to be.

This morning, while I was leaving for work in my favourite blue,white and purple strip shirt that I just bought a while ago, I bumped into my neighbours.

The loving couple was about to bring their two daughters (about 3 to 5 years old) to pre-school. After I greeted them with a cherry "Morning" and the couple replied likewise. The wife quickly chided her daugheters for not greeting me.

And I noticed how cute they were in their little uniforms which were matching with their little bags.... and it matches their little water bottles. They were..... literally little everything! Shoes, socks, you name it. How on earth could anyone, anyone in the world who dont like children? They were soooooooooooooo cute.

And then, they opened their little mouths. *imagine scene of sunflowers blooming*

They greet in unison.


Their mom appeared sheepish and corrected them immediately "kor kor lah"
while I continued to flash my magnetic smile.

I am thinking of getting a birthday present for the so sweet young children.

Now my neighbours better subscribe to this new policy = )
PS: PIC from the popular Maddox website.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Lame Musings

Q. What are the five things that I look forward to in a month?

A. 4 weekends and 1 pay day!

Q. When I say I am the second most important person in the company, who IS the most important person then?

A. The rest of the people in the company. (caught you! hahaha)

Q. What is the nickname given to me by my colleagues?

A. Baby, cause I am the youngest one around. (imagine that!! Every single female colleague calling me baby... hmmmm Never a luckier guy around until you consider their age... hmmmm. I think there is an English word to explain this kind of behaviour. I think it is pedophile. "

Q. What is the most important task currently given to me?

A. To "da bao" lunch for my fellow engineers who are too busy to eat.

Q. What is my current position/designation in my company?

A. Administrative engineer. I handle all the paperwork that my fellow engineers dont feel like doing. WOOOOOOOOO~~~~

Q. How to do you know if my day is slack, very slack or extremely slack?

  1. toilet breaks < 3 ="">
  2. toilet breaks < fingers =" very">
  3. toilet breaks > 10 and too many to count even with all yr little toes = extremely slack (more than 99% of the time!!!!)

Q. How do you know your boss doesnt think highly of you?

A. When he spell your name as Jung Feng after 1 months and 2 weeks in the company.

Q. How do you know you are unmotivated to go to work?

A. When you are 2nd last to come to work and the one later than you has already tendered his resignation letter. WOOOOOOOO~~~~

Q. How do you know ....nobody really cares whether you are there anot?

A. When the only greeting you received comes from the guy cleaning the toilet. or when you starts talking to yourself as boredom creeps in. Hhahahaahahahaha

Ok. To sleep.... wooooooooo... wednesday..... wooooooo