Monday, May 23, 2005

Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve

Been five months into my attachment period. It has been a good period for me to recharge my batteries, a timeframe for me to regain my zest for life and get over the listless feelings over studying for another year.

Anyway, since a six months attachment is a long period, it has given me an opportunity to think about what to do for the remaining holidays which is still a month long.

And thus I have decided to visits the nooks and corners of Singapore. Though she is indeed a very small island, there are many places that I have actually not been to and not many people know about such places. Maybe my blog will be a good place to introduce some of these places to visit on a weekend instead of cooping at home.

My first stop? Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve.

Entrance fee is 50 cents for students only!!!

Greeted by nice scenery of still water once we go into the nature trails......

The buildings in the background is Johor, Msia!

For those people who are forever complaining that Spore has got no nice scenery. Think again and think hard.

Then we saw........ sunbathing monitor lizards.

Why you come and disturb meeeeeeee?

Think the picture is too small? Hell. Lets go closer then.

Hiss....Hiss GET LOST ZEN. Shoo Shoo.

After starting a fire and having a nice feast of lizard meat, (Burp~~) we proceeded to the the tallest tower within the Reserve to take another look at the scenery.

A great place to view migratory birds during Sep to March

The place look a little dead because the migratory season was just over. What a pity. I heard accounts from friends that thousands of birds rest in the Reserve during the season.

I had fun spotting some of the animals who are a little camera shy. (Like me. Bleah)

Haha! Got ya!

This Crab can climb tree. Better dun play play

You need good eyesight and patience to spot them. Thanks Andy and Kiat for making my trip more interesting.

There is a pond where the scenery is pretty good as well.

How deep is this pond? Hmmh....

I got pretty good photograpgy skills... NO? You sure???

Last but not least, dont go to the prawn pond. It is mosquitoes infected. I think a few hundred generations have breeded successfully in the area without human intervention.

A patch of Mangrove and it reminded me how it would have help lessen the impact of Tsunami on neighobouring countries had there not been so much destruction of Mother Nature.

A place to shoot a local horror movie?

Singapore still contains many areas worth exploring. Do take time to visit such places. If you have suggestions on other interesting places, do write in the comments box.


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