Monday, March 28, 2005

Valentine Day in other countries

That day I was watching "Zhong Yi Da Ge Da" on TV and they were discussing about how people celebrate Valentine in Korea and Japan.

I have always thought that Valentine Day was celebrated in the same manner throughout the whole world. Oh I couldnt be more wrong!

In Japan, on the 14th of February, it is the females who will present a gift to the guys they are interested in. (OMG! That is so helpful for singles like me!) After the guys know the intentions of the females, they have a month to ponder over whether anot to accept the female.

On the 14th of March, the guy will have to return a gift to the female. There are four choices.

1) Handkerchief
2) Soft candy
3) Biscuit
4) Hard candy

The handkerchief represents non-interest and I suspect its intention is for the female to contain her tears.

The soft candy represents friendship and it is a subtle hint from the guy that things are better off being what they are now.

The biscuit represents a sort of a trail relationship a sort of “see how it goes” kinda intention.

The hard candy if you havent already guessed it, means the guy has officially accepted the female as his girlfriend.

If you haven’t already see the trend, yes, the harder the item received, the more the guy is attracted to the female.

In Korea, a practice similar to that of Japan is in place. In addition to that, Korea has an additional festival at 14th of April where the females who have been rejected and guys who are single (or rejected) will have friend dumplings together to get over the unhappiness.

Oh man, the Koreans are so smart. They are creating opportunities for the single guys and females to mix around, so dont grieve even when you receive a hanky for a gift. You might just meet that someone special while tucking in that bowl of fried dumplings. (effect of this implemenation in Spore will result in hundreds fold increase in the turnover of wanton mee!!!) SDU should take a leaf outta the book from our Korean and Japan counterparts!

Make a guess what does 14th April represents in Japan after reading what I have written? I will leave the answer in the comment box.

Sunday, March 13, 2005

A look into the crystal ball of Zen

Well, one of my travels brings me to XM, an advertising company.

XM logo, can never figure out why only 1 dot of the X is yellow while rest is grey

I guess it is really cool to be working for a company that is quite reputable.
Your office will be located in the high levels of the towers and man the view can be breathtaking!

The white building (upper left) is the New National Library

The view is truly something that one can die for. Hard to describe here.
Hope the statement "a picture tells a thousand words" applies here.

Notice how manificent view is spoiled by Esplanade (right)

XM is an advertising company that helps its clients comes out with exciting and creative web pages and adverts. Among its major clients include Nokia and Thai Airways. (if I am not mistaken)

Being an advertising company that deals with web pages is completely COOL!
Because you can openly use MSN and nobody cares. Haha.
Every single one of the staff here uses the program openly and nobody ticks them off.
Guess it is an accepted practice within their company to communicate in such a manner.

Such comfortable cushions.... OMG.......

Anyway, being in the creative lines means you have to give clients a good impression.

Notice alot of the office tables are decorated with unusual paintings and sculptures. (but I cant take photos cause of my professionalism in my job)

There are many brightly coloured chairs set aside as well, design to capture the attention of visitors / clients and also offers an avenue for colleagues to have informal discussions.

Their facilities are really top nought. There are presentation rooms, meeting rooms and informal meetings room. Plus a very elaborate pantry. Guess big company really does have its perks (in comparision to XXX company that I am slogging in)

Get seated in one of those chairs overlooking the breath taking views, meetings will be a completely different feeling I guess.

Before I forget about the true nature of my visit, I was given the name of Ghost-Busters (talking about a creative firm *roll eyes*) for my IAQ due to how some of my equipments look.
Till again guys!

Supernatural beings on the loose? Far from it.......

Just wanted to say that I know that my entries are getting shorted and the time taken to come up with a new ones takes longer. Been having OT recently plus alot of site traveling that makes me physically tired.
Wish to take the opportunity to thank Piggy and ZZ for helping me to solve the prob of non-displaying photos.
Thanks! *flash a big smile*

Take care folks.

Saturday, March 05, 2005

A peep into a day of Zen's work

So I have never blog much about my current life right?
Decides to disclose my life of glamour to be publicly scrutinized

Let you guys know what my IA life is about.......


Rush to the office before anyone discovers that I am 5 mins late.
Signs my attendance sheet


Quickly slide to the seat at my table unseen.

Heaves a sigh of relief as my ninja-like movement managed to deceive everyone.


I switch on my computer and check email. (part of the acting busy rituals)

My workplace of buzz....


Aroma of Nescafe Coffee fills my desk (my company very cheapskate only got Nescafe .....)

My Morning Kopi!


Supervisior informs me that I will be following him to take water samples at the various libraries all over Singapore. (glad at the chance to leaves my office cell)


We are off! Takes MRT to a Library.


Does necessary admin and head off to the cooling tower located at top of the building

Pic of cooling tower (yah I know you cant be bothered)

Move over Agent Mulder, Agent Zen is here is kick ass! (notice how sianz Agent Zen looks)

Getting my hand dirty (literally)...... help er xin


Finally finishes the dirty job after risking my life getting infected from unknown bacteria and virus.
Damn Happy only to be informed by supervisior that there are another 6 more libraries to go.


Break for lunch at coffeeshop.
Appetite is greatly enhanced after working hard for half a day.

Errr somehow this just reminds me of a medium done beef steak.....

Ok maybe not such a good appetite...... after all....


Wills my unwilling body to go to Jurong Library.


Bum is numb (it rhymes!) after all the travelling.
Proceeds to take water sample from water fountain.

Who knows what hideous creatures lurk within the murky waters.......

230 - 500pm:

Same course of action is repeated again and again and again and again.......
Just using all my will power to move the clock hand to six


Send in all water samples to lab. (FINALLY)
Supervisior allows me to leave half an hour early from work!
YEAH! Off to enjoy myself!

*I think it is the first time my pics (albeit behind a mask) was found online.
See no more secrecy. No more fantasies either! Ha ha. *