Sunday, May 14, 2006

The end ~~

Hi all, my hiatus from my blog is over~ O-V-E-R. Although it is unclear how long will this round of activity will be, but its not expected to be long~ haaa

First to explain my absence of three months. Having countless projects in my final sem. Was busy with my Final Year Project in Feb and March. Then it was immediately followed by term tests and my FYP presentation in mid March. The presentation concept required of us was rather special, it require us to present our research on a poster (much like the kind teenagers used to idolise their pop idols)

Will need a CAP of 3.3 to maintain my second lower. Keeping my fingers cross.

Anyway, have received two interviews calls so far. Keeping my fingers cross (Again).

Leaving for Gentings and KL in 6 hours and counting down. Seeya!~~

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Who say Singaporean are apolitical?

Taken from

WP Rally at Hougang

The estimated turnout was believed to be more than 100,000!
Political comments are not taken too kindly during elections but I feel strongly enough to want to say a few things.

1. Gomez issue is overplayed. It is still headlines news much to my amusement.

2. Opposition are always painted in a certain way in the Straits Times. Do take a pinch of salt, a big dose, when you read the reports.

3. Turn out numbers in opposition rallies are always under reported. A picture speaks a thousand words.

4. Use your vote wisely.