Sunday, October 30, 2005

How much is my blog worth?

My blog is worth $1,129.08.
How much is your blog worth?

Dun play play k. That is US dollars.
Will a Sponsor come? Price negotiable.
I promise not to talk about controversial issues (Such as use of handicapped toilets bleah) and be a morally responsible product ambassador.

I am no Superhero

Do you remember your childhood ambition when you were younger? I did. When I was five, I wanted to be a superhero. (After that, I realize that it is not feasible and so I wanted to be a scientist and being an engineer was the closest thing that happened for me … but that is another story)

Yah, amount of time spent in front of the black box imitating the likes of Batman, Superman, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles certainly shaped my ambition back then.

Now at the age of 24, I realize a lot of dreams remain dreams and the word ambitions are tantamount to sacrifices and difficulties. Its is at this age where one aspires the most where its also the same period where most of us don’t match up to the lofty standards we set up for ourselves.

I am no Superhero. And never will I be one.
But I have also realize there is no need for me to be one any longer.
There are other more important things in my life worth doing.
Let the superhero ambition be fueled by the next five year old kid.
He might be the next president for all you know.

Thanks for all my friends who stood by thick and thin with me, someone who isn’t a superhero.

Thanks to BC and sao zis for the dinner at Siam Kitchen. Anyone of you guys realize it is 8 years since the club was formed?

Thanks to Kiat, Andy, Ah Pui and Wei Ann for the cake. I think I am too old for a cake but I really did appreciate the gesture guys. And yah thanks too for not saboing me with the cake. : D Laughs.

Thanks to Weirong and Kai Onn for the brown shirt and slippers. It is really the thought that counts my friends.

Thanks to SY, Laraine, Tim and a few other classmates who actually remember my birthday when I didn’t remember yours in return. I am not very good with dates…. Oohps… sorry.

Thanks to all those who didn’t remember my birthday but still wish the best for me. I appreciate the gesture too as well. I can feel your greetings. (it is of a spiritual kind wink wink)

Lastly, I am no superhero, but that makes it more amazing that my friends actually remember me on this day when a non-superhero was born. Thanks again guys. I am touch. I am 24.

Monday, October 10, 2005

My inner Child

Your Inner Child Is Sad

You're a very sensitive soul.
You haven't grown that thick skin that most adults have.
Easily hurt, you tend to retreat to your comfort zone.
You don't let many people in - unless you've trusted them for a long time.
How Is Your Inner Child?

It is crap lah. I got an happy child initially cause I couldnt choose between two of the options. So I went to reverse my answers and got myself a Sad Child.
But it is pretty true I havent got a childhood unlike most people I guess.

And I am still blogging, I am suprised myself.
Who is still reading by the way? Laughs.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Update of my status!

Dear fans (more likely frens,) there has been a change of my status.......
NO I am still single, wahahahahaha.

Just to drop an official note to those who are still checking my blogspot, it isnt likely there will be any updates till Decemember because I am currently very busy with school projects and most importantly my FYP (Final Year Project).

Thanks for all the support you guys have given me all these while, I appreciated that you guys have been reading what I have written and I hope I brought a few laughter to your life.

It has been a nice journey so far. Let me take a breather and will join up with you guys again in a while. Meanwhile, enjoy!~~~