Friday, January 14, 2005

Interesting Incidents in Workplace – Acting busy (“.)

Everyone knows that you can't be busy ALL the time in the office. Be it the 5 minutes before lunch break or the 15 minutes before you knock off, so everyone and I mean everyone ranging from the boss to the lowest in rank (which is me by the way) indulge in a show of acting busy.

Well it takes some experiences to tell someone who is really busy apart from someone who is acting busy. I am not ‘there’ yet… and unable to tell the imitation from the genuine product.

Well, today I served as the office boy and was sent to pack the storeroom…. After heaving and shoving for two hours I return to my seat, tired and bored. That was when I started peering over my shoulder to the colleague who was sitting a stone throw away.

Let call him Mr B. (B stands for Bee actually since he always seem to have lunch 5 minutes after everyone else departs and talks louder whenever it is a business call and whispering when his wife or kids call… laughs)

Anyway, Mr B was picking up some remaining cardboard and proceeded to look for a pair to scissors to do some handicraft. Intrigued by what he was going to do, I proceeded to tilt my body in his direction and was watching earnestly what his master piece was. Perhaps I was observing him too openly cause he realize that I was looking at him after he proceeded to cut a tiny piece of cardboard from the big piece. He gave me a quick one second glance that spelt “you should be doing your work too. What are you looking at?” kinda look on his face. (Yes it is hard to imagine a facial expression of one second contains so much information but do exercise your powers of imagination. = ) )

Realising that my voyeur attempt had failed, I quickly proceeded to do likewise which was to switch on my computer and started typing. It doesn’t really matter what you are typing actually. Nobody really cares.

*To prove my point, this entire entry was typed during work and I received no interruptions from my colleagues who all thought I was busy at work. And no, I don’t know what that small piece of cardboard was eventually used for. My guess is that it is probably used as to place cups on to prevent stains on the table. *


Derrick asks the company clerk to collect $10 from me. It appears that I was mistaken about the not paying part. I should have known better – “There is no such thing as a free lunch!” All I can pray for (weak pun intended) is for him to expand so thick around his waist so much so he can’t see his toes. = )

Fill you guys in next time!


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