Monday, January 10, 2005

Return of Derrick

And for the sequel let welcome the “Return of Derrick.”

I just realize I missed out on a very important thing. I forget to describe his appearance, which is extremely crucial for my audience, meaning you to forge a better understanding of him.

Think he is in his mid forties, married with kids, and errr errrr with a pair of golden specs looking every inch like that secondary school that you dislike. (use your powers of imagination!)

Anyway, my second encounter with Derrick was better. (Since he treated me to some sumptuous dishes for lunch, I have decided to grant him the royal pardon and promoted him to the rank of Derrick, no more mean nick names for him. that is until he cross my path again…! )

It turned out that one of the more senior staff of the company have been posted overseas and as the boss he is throwing a farewell dinner at a *drumrolls please* coffeeshop..! (very stingy but that is another story) for departing staff and others including me lowly intern staff.

Anyway towards the end of the lunch, when everyone were more of less full, and the dishes on the table have only unremarkable remainders such as fish bones and bits and pieces of vegetables… Derrick spoiled his redemption by asking me TWICE to finish up the food. Thanks Derrick, I am an intern not your servent. Even my colleague besides me has to snuff out her giggles when it was pretty clear there wasn’t anything much left on the plates. I have to repeat myself twice to get my message across. He had the cheek to say something like “young man cannot eat huh?” after I rejected his good offer the first time round.

Anyway, Derrick has a weekly meeting with the staff. Will update you again when I go through the next stage of hell – the weekly meeting with Derrick!


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