Thursday, September 27, 2007

Second Day in Hokkaido~

In Hokkaido, there used to be locals that reside there which were named "Ainu".
We visit a re-created Ainu village which is located in the area called "Shiraoi Poroto Kotan".

Super big structure (like 3 floors high!) that greets you when you enter "Shiraoi Poroto Kotan"

Nowadays, nobody live by the traditional Ainu culture anymore. This village cum museum is merely a showcase of the Ainu customs and heritage for tourists and future generations.

The typical Ainu house has an entrance in the west, 3 windows in the east and the south. As explained by the guides, the windows allow access to Gods and spirits of their fore-parents.

A real Ainu house is much smaller. This enlarge version is to house tourists.

The ritual dance "Iyomante Rimse" is performed to send the spirit of the bear-God back to heaven. The black bear is a revered icon in the Ainu culture, because I think, they provide the Ainu people with almost everything that they needed.

Sending the spirits of the bear-God back to heaven.

The Ainu people plays the "mukkur", a musical instrument which produces sound out of a piece of thin bamboo and a thread which is pulled as you are blowing.

Chio-bu performing on a mouth harp~~~~ = )

It doesn't escape me when I realised some of the performing crew have dyed hair and modern accessories. They are merely replicating Ainu culture is a setting only meant for tourists as a money-spinning event.

Alright. Check back in a couple of days for the next update~

Saturday, September 22, 2007

The land of the Rising Sun - preview ~

So you would have known that I spend 2 weeks in Japan by now!

And now for the anticipated pics!!!

The sunset from my window seat!~~

The flight to Tokyo took about 7 hours and I slept my way through the morning flight.

Reached Narita airpork and took a domestic flight to Chitose airpork, which is the airport serving Hokkaido!
I stayed at Hotel Nikko Chitose, as the first stop of the tour.

Being bored and restless after travelling for more than 10 hours, we took a stroll around the hotel. Weather was a cool 21 degrees.

And we chanced upon............

Japan Pasar Malem!!!!

There were some festival celebration going on in Chitose, a small city of only 90,000 people, which is really a rarity.

We went round savoring the gourmet delights of Japan by starting with ............ the Octopus balls! Much much larger and chewier then the ones served in Bugis Junction was the verdict.

Octopus Balls... yum yum yum

More gourmet delights!... oishii!!!


Only chanced upon some weird stalls.....

Japanese Beetles~~~~!!! EEEeeek

During Summer, Japanese beetles are a very common pest, and to battle this problem, (to fuel those human increasingly weird tastes) they are sold as pets, or as collection specimens I think.

Guess what is inside these cute wrappers?

Candy floss~~~~in your favourite cartoon character wrapping

It was around 10pm and decided to head back to hotel, but not before a refreshing drink of ice cooling water ...... from a water cooler?

You cant get any more natural than this.......

The water flows down from some spring and is completely n-a-t-u-r-a-l. Being so amazed, I cant resist taking a picture and causing a huge jam at the drinking queue. Hahahaa. Japanese people are just so polite. They rather inconvenient themselves than others.

All right folks. This concludes my Day 1 of sightseeing tour!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

I promise to write one entry before the month is up.

I promise to write one entry before the month is up in lieu of the support of my legions of female fans. (sorry if you are male and reading my blog, pls dun make yourself seen or heard, I dun really need to know your undying support. Thanks. )

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Tagged: 10 Weird / Little known things about Me

Ok... I have been tagged by Beckyy to do this.....

I am allergic to sea-food .... or so I think. Haha.... the ambiguity came about because I was warded to hospital for 10 days during P3 for a bout of serious allergy reaction. The doctor never truly found out the reason, and it was concluded as possible "sea-food allergy". So I might not be allergic after all.

I learnt English only at 7. Cantonese was the first language I spoke.

I hate it when people touch my hair.

My childhood ambition was to be a scientist, and my goal was to invent something that can be found in every household.

I was a sickly child.

I got this obsession of keeping my hands clean, so I dont really eat chicken wings. Some friends thought I dont like chicken / fried food. Now you know.

I have this rather high pitch singing voice, that could disturb certain people... Hahahaha

I have a poor sense of direction (think getting lost), and is easily confused by complex routine that requires hands and legs to move together (think "dancing").

I suspect I am mildly dyslexia. I often mixed up my d and g together and can only recognize if it the spelling is right after I finish the word. Certain simple words often threw up a blank when I need to use them. Word Processor with speller check is a God-sent.

I am a really sentimental person, though I can give certain people this cold facade.

Ok! I tagged those who read my blog to write a similar entry, especially Da Ge and Da Sao!~~

Friday, June 01, 2007

The end of everything.

From : Mail Administrator
Reply-To : Mail Administrator
Sent : Thursday, May 31, 2007 4:13 PM
To :
Subject : Mail System Error - Returned Mail

This Message was undeliverable due to the following reason:

The user(s) account is temporarily over quota.

From: Kok Junfeng
Subject: Hi XXX~
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2007 4:13 PM

Dear XXX,


And so this greeting will never reach you.

This is the end, in a manner I never foresee.