Sunday, July 23, 2006

Once upon a time... and happily ever after.

Once upon a time, on the sunny morning on the 18th of July, the ring tone from Zen hand phone woke him up from his slumber.

And his life went top tursy from that moment onwards ....


and thanks to all concerned abt me, yeah I am no longer your slackest fren!

And how is my future life going to be?

As suggested by good fren, ZZ over MSN,

Zumbo: says:
then everyday u wake up, jog, eat breakfast then go to work. while jogging u meet this chiobu. then u ask her to be ur gf. then u pass ippt. then got job got gf no rt. all the pieces of your life are falling together liao.

Wahahaha and I live happily ever after. Yeah

Ok time to wake up, and pardon for this very unorganised and disorientated post. Hahahaa. Tmr first day of work. Byezzz.

Friday, July 14, 2006

A re-live day

I have been watching an english drama series "Tru calling" lately. Just finished season 1.

Tru is bestowed with special powers of being able to communicate with the dead. When the dead people (usually lying in the morgue freezer) asked for help from Tru, the events of the day are reversed and she will get to re-live the day again, to prevent the mishap which caused the death from happening.

Sometimes, the death will not be preventable. Other times, others die when someone is saved. Yet on another occasion, she have to re-live the same day a few times just so 'fate' will have the desired result.

Do you wish you have such powers sometimes? To re-live a day? Especially a bad day?
I certainty do.

There is this saying "it never rains but pours" and on hindsight as I type this, I cant agree how true it is. The morning rain today disrupted my plans for a game of tennis. So I crawl back into bed to sleep.

Close friends would have known there is this job that I really wanted recently. Sorry to disappoint your guys but yah, it is most likely over. I am back to square one in the job hunt.

How I wish I could re-live the day the day like Tru, to right the wrongs in my life. Leave a better impression, say the right things. Give the right body language. Its too late for regrets, and maybe I will emerge a stronger person from this set back. Unfortunately, it will also mean that my desire to starts a career in the wastewater sector is no longer possible given the dearth of such companies in Singapore.

Sometimes, it really amazes me how your life can turn for the worse or better in just a matter of a phonecall or an email or receiving of some information. Was the sign always there but you just didn't pick it up? Or is life as describe by Forest Gump, one never knows what one can get. The sheer unpredictability makes one carry on living, dreaming and breathing.

I heard from a friend there are 4 stages to getting over a loss.
1. denial
2. acceptance
3. grieve
4. moving on

*wanted to post up convo pics but really not in the mood. Disappointment caused is regretted.*